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China-U.S. Biotech Industry Cooperation Center Officially Established

Time:2013-01-15 13:52:36


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  To better attract U.S. biotech enterprises to Dongguan, promote technical and talent exchange and cooperation with the U.S. biotech industry and accelerate the introduction of biotech products, talent teams, funds and advanced management ideas to stimulate the development of local biotech industry, Dongguan established China-U.S. Biotech Industry Cooperation Center ( China-U.S. Center ). On the afternoon of November 1, a simple yet solemn nameplate unveiling ceremony for the China-U.S. Center was held at the China (Dongguan) International Science and Technology Cooperation Week & Talent Introduction Conference. Unveiling the nameplate were Director Jin Xiaoming of International Cooperation Department of Ministry of Science and Technology, Director Li Xinghua of the Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province, Mayor Yuan Baocheng of Dongguan Municipal s People Government and Adviser Song Tao to Dongguan Municipal s People Government, Chairman Li Jiarong of METCO and Chairman Cao Ting of PlexBio.

  The China-U.S. Center is established to attract and undertake advanced biotech transfer projects from the U.S., promote technical application and realize biotech industrialization; build high-level biotech talent information exchange channels and draw high-level biotech talents to Dongguan; organize and facilitate academic exchanges of China-U.S. biotech industry and build collaborative innovation platforms; establish biotech industry information bases, including specialized information bases in respect of research projects, research talents and enterprises; assist the government to unfold strategic planning of biotech industry and cooperate in government investment attraction; introduce famous venture capital organizations from the U.S. and international venture capital funds to support the development of Dongguan s biotech industry. Located in Biotech Industry Authority of Songshan Lake High-tech Zone, the China-U.S. Center is to serve as a window for Dongguan to connect with the U.S. biotech industry.

  In the future, the China-U.S. Center will strive to grow into a private platform for biotech academic exchange and interaction recognized by China and the U.S., gradually enhance its influence and develop into a platform economic and cultural exchange between China and the U.S.

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